Care & Sharpening
Proper care and maintenance are crucial for achieving maximum performance from your Shogun Scissors. Neglecting to perform regular care and maintenance is likely to lead to damaged scissors and unsatisfactory performance.
After each cut, make sure to use a soft chamois cloth to thoroughly wipe your scissors and blades. This practice helps prevent the accumulation of chemicals and debris that could potentially impact the scissors' performance during your workday. Additionally, before storing the scissors at the end of the day, remember to wipe the blades and pivot area for proper maintenance.
Once you have cleaned and dried your scissors, enhance their cutting performance by applying a drop of Shogun scissor oil to the pivot area. To ensure even distribution, open and close the scissors several times. This oiling process helps clean out dirt and debris from beneath the pivot and leaves a protective wax-like coating. We recommend performing this maintenance routine at least once a week to keep your scissors in optimal condition.
Tension Adjustment
To test the tension, carefully open and close your scissors. The ideal tension setting will result in the blades closing gently, without falling shut, and requiring minimal pressure for cutting.
All Shogun Scissors come equipped with special adjustable screw systems to allow for precise tension adjustments. Using the provided adjusting tool, turn the screw clockwise to tighten the tension or counter-clockwise to loosen it. After making the adjustment, recheck the tension to ensure it is set correctly.
After each use, make sure to clean your scissors, wiping off any hair or product residue. When not in use, store the scissors in a secure and dry location. We highly advise using the case provided with your purchase for proper storage.
With proper maintenance, your Shogun scissors will maintain a long-lasting edge. However, when the time comes for re-sharpening, it is essential to have the process done meticulously by a professional sharpening service centre with expertise in sharpening high-quality Japanese-style shears. Before entrusting your shears for sharpening, conduct thorough research to ensure the centre's capability.
Please note that improper sharpening leading to damage will void the warranty of your scissors. Sharpening your scissor correctly ensures effective usage and optimal results